In Which I Introduce the Blog

And so it begins.

My name is Dylan Nordberg.  Welcome to my blog “Rumination on the Lake” (for those who don’t know, “rumination” is a fancy word for meditation or deep thinking).  The purpose of this blog is to be a place for me to hammer out my thoughts (metaphorically of course, as a hammer plus keyboard does not equal happy fun times).  I intend to try to make a post once a week.

What follows is going to be an in-depth explanation of the purpose of this blog.  If you are not interested in the long version there is a more concise version over on the About page.

But let’s continue.  What I want this blog to be is a place of introspection, a place where I can examine subjects that interest me at whatever length seems necessary to get the job done.  I’m assuming these posts are going to take the shape of long-form articles, almost like you would read in a newspaper or online magazine.  The length is probably going to vary a lot, as I don’t really believe in setting either a word limit or a set number of words to reach.  However many or little words it takes to get the job done.

It’s hard to say so soon into the making of this blog, but I’m guessing the subject matter will be greatly varied.  I already have plenty of ideas, and they range from video games to politics to simple personal pieces about myself.  If that’s the kind of stuff you’re interested in then welcome aboard.

I see this as my sort of pet project, something I do in my free time for fun.  At the time of this writing, I am a recent college graduate from the University of Minnesota Duluth.  I received a bachelor’s degree in English with a Journalism minor, and I am currently employed at the WDIO television station up on Observation Hill (it’s an ABC affiliate station for those of you who were wondering).  I am pursuing my interest in writing, but I am not entirely sure how to get to where I want to be yet.  My hope is that this blog will help keep my writing skills in top form.

I do not want this to become a rant blog.  The last thing I want is for this to become that place where I pound my chest and foam at the mouth with rage (pretty picture isn’t it).  I will most likely be touching on some controversial and sensitive topics (the current happenings in Arizona over the SB1062 law come to mind), but it is not my intention to start a verbal war over it.  I am simply here to provide my own take and interpretation on things.  That’s really all I want.  I am not here to anger anyone.

As I said earlier I intend to try to post once a week.  I’m shooting at posting every Wednesday.  There really isn’t any particular reason for this time-frame but I feel it is nice to give people an idea of what to expect and when to expect it.  So for now I will try to make a post every Wednesday, barring something unforeseen of course.

Now for a little bit more about me.  I’ve lived in Minnesota all my life, and I moved up here to Duluth a few years ago to continue my college education.  I love the area, even if the winters are incredibly cold (this one in particular being unusually nasty it feels like).  The wintertime up here may not be the most fun time, but Duluth absolutely shines in the summer, which is why I like the area so much.  I am currently living in a two-bedroom apartment with a friend of mine that I’ve known since high school.

I am also admittedly quite nerdy (or is it geeky, I never really got the distinction between the two).  I like to read, play video games, and watch movies and TV.  I also have a particular bent for science-fiction, so expect to see a decent amount of that pop up on this blog when it comes to games and stories.  There’s just something about sci-fi that has always intrigued me on a fundamental level.  Who knows, maybe I’ll discover the reasons why while writing for this blog.

I’ve had an affinity for writing for quite a long time, but in a strange turn of events I never really considered making it my career until I was beginning my second year of college down in White Bear Lake.  It’s funny how those things work sometimes.  At my current point I am not entirely sure how to get to where I want to be with my career, but this blog and an upcoming writing contest I plan to enter should prove to be a good start.

And that’s it.  If you want to join me on my personal journey and read the things I have to say, then by all means click that “follow” button.  If not, then I apologize for wasting your time and wish you well.

Either way, thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.  See you next Wednesday with my first official post.